Monthly Archives: February 2018

Den vinröda drömklänningen.

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

I have dreamed of a 1930s-40s burgundy rayon dress for years. Through my little personal side business as a vintage personal shopper (only for friends unfortunately!) I have managed to get more than ten burgundy dresses through to others. But that special one for myself, I haven’t quite yet found.

As I have recently found seven yards of a vintage burgundy rayon, it’s time to make that dress! I have had this fabric folded by my bed for a month now, trying to figure out what kind of design I want to make. Which is kind of difficult when you have been thinking about something for such a long time, and the possibilities are endless. I have enough fabric to make two dresses, one to keep and one to sell in my shop. So I thought it would be fun to ask for my followers for some feedback – because it might be for sale in my shop later!

Take a look at the four different 1940s sewing patters below and please let me know what you think. You can reach out to me through sending a comment below, email me or chat on Instagram (@jessicasilversaga). Of course I will keep you updated on the process, which is my favorite part. Having something to grow through passion and love!


Photo: Jessica Silversaga

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

Sov du lilla videung.

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

One of my favorite words in Swedish is videung (videkissar), also called willow catkins. Every year I purchase a few stems and photograph them, it is coming to be somewhat of a tradition. I believe for me it stands for the beginning of spring. But as in the Swedish children’s poem from 1869 called “Sov du lilla videung”, it means that when we see the willow catkins, it is still winter. And spring is yet asleep. Poem and translation from Wikipedia.

Photo: Jessica Silversaga

Sof, du lilla videung; än så är det vinter.
Än så sofva björk och ljung, ros och hyacinther.
Än så är det långt till vår,
Innan rönn i blomma står.
Sof, du lilla videung, än så är det vinter.

(“Sleep, you little willow young; still it is the winter.
So sleep yet, birch and roses, hyacinths and heather.
For it’s long until the spring,
Ere the rowans flowers bring.
Sleep, you little willow young, for it’s still the winter.”)

Photo: Jessica Silversaga